Oliver Norden
Born In Belgium in 1968
Art Shows
Had several Private Art shows in Europe: Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy...
Was part of group Shows in the U.S.A : Florida
University of Brasschaat,Belgium, masters in Sculpting-3D design, realistic portraits, 2000
International Airbrush Forum convention in Gastrob Rauxel in Germany, 3 years of professional photography training by photographer David Norden 1994
Graphic and Design (Antwerp Belgium) 3D drawing, photography, life drawing 1990
Private training of Old World painting techniques by Master Raphael Guislain(teacher at the University of Fine Arts in Antwerp-Belgium, 1980
Architectural design: Chronological Art and Architecture
Commercial Airbrush Painting; Javian Graphics
Old-World Murals: Art Inherited
Freelance work:
Has been working for several company's, public places in Europe and America
The Art Pros Curators Dan Rojas, Vesna Anderson, and Denise Rojas
813-626-8738 727-367-4210