Wil Dawson
Wil has painted and drawn all his life, but truly found his medium when he discovered the rich possibilities that modern technology offers. He is a computer artist creating original, freehand drawings on a PC. He is primarily concerned with composition, color and form as much as with subject matter.
He has had numerous exhibits in Madrid, Spain, where he lived for many years, New York, Dallas, and Fort Worth. His worked was included in a computer art show which toured Russia.
He has won awards from the Corel Corporation in their worldwide art contests including best of category awards as well as a Best-of-the-Americas award.
Wil currently resides in the Tampa Bay area.
The Art Pros Curators Dan Rojas, Vesna Anderson, and Denise Rojas
813-626-8738 727-367-4210
"Banyon Dusk"
24" x 40"
Free Hand Digital on Canvas Original
"Deep Red"
38" x 38"
Free Hand Digital on Canvas Original